Mediation is a faster, far less stressful, and more cost-effective process than legal action, and can be applied to virtually any kind of dispute or disagreement.
Our average success rate across all mediation work is 97%; a testament to our robust approach, commitment to excellence, and the skills & experience of our team of accredited professionals.
Mediation is:
A way of helping settle disputes by using an independent person called a ‘Mediator’. The Mediator encourages each party to talk about the issue, explore solutions creatively and reach an agreement with which they are both happy.
Independent and impartial: The Mediator remains independent at all times from anyone involved with the dispute. They oversee the process, facilitate discussion between the parties and help them understand the positive and negative impact of certain issues or actions. The parties in dispute control the outcome of the mediation.
Voluntary and ‘Without Prejudice’: Parties in dispute enter into mediation voluntarily. They can pull out or refuse to participate at any stage without impacting any decision they may make to proceed to arbitration or litigation (court).
Confidential: Everything that is said and agreed within the mediation is private and confidential. No information is recorded and shared with others unless explicitly agreed by each party involved.
Focused on Needs and Solutions: Mediation is solution-focused and future-focused: it aims to find solutions to problems, focus on the needs of the individuals and help the parties reach an acceptable agreement to satisfy those needs.
Who can access mediation?
Anyone who is involved in a dispute, argument or complaint can ask for mediation to try and resolve the situation. LINK specialises in helping people to resolve disputes in the following areas:
Where can I find further information?
Further useful information about Mediation and alternative ways of resolving conflict can be found at:
LINK is a registered provider with the Civil Mediation Council.

Contact Jan
Whatever issue or dispute you are facing, mediation can help you find the answer.
For an initial, confidential and no obligation, conversation with one of our team of skilled mediators, please contact Jan today
Or call the Liverpool office on:
0151 706 8154 or 07534 058777 (out of hours)