LINK has developed an enviable reputation amongst Registered Providers, Local Authorities and specialist partner agencies for mediating lasting resolutions and supporting landlords and tenants alike.
How do we do it?
We understand people. We also understand how disputes within communities can affect everyday lives, damaging relationships and putting unnecessary strain on agencies such as police and housing providers.
Our understanding, empathetic approach has been recognised by our Clients and their customers as adding value, resolving conflict, preserving valuable organisational resources and contributing to their goal of improving neighbourhoods. We know - and have proven - that the LINK approach can deliver successful resolutions time and time again.
You have a genuine empathy with our customers which seems to be rooted in a desire to deliver access to justice.
The vast knowledge and skills of our Team (with specialist training in areas such as crime and ASB, special educational needs (SEN) and neuro- developmental disorders) enables us to stimulate productive discussion during mediation sessions which both educates and encourages practical solutions to complex issues.
Common referrals we receive from our Clients include:
- Anti-social behaviour
- Use/misuse of Communal Areas
- Excessive noise
- Boundaries / Personal Space
- Damage
- Parking
- Litter/dog fouling
Who do we do it for?
We work with Registered Providers of social housing, public and private landlords, and local authorities to help maintain harmony in the community, enabling residents to live peacefully and respectfully together.
- 150,000 Our existing Clients' housing stock
We pride ourselves on the work we do in collaboration with other community agencies ensuring that our services are sustainable, maximising their impact on the local economy and community.
We work with our Clients in different ways which meet their specific needs, whether under contract, on a retained basis or ‘as and when’. Whichever way we work, our Clients value our reliability, expertise, knowledge and skills transfer that underpin our approach.

Contact Jan
Whatever the issue you, your organisation or your tenants are experiencing, the mediation process can help deliver a lasting resolution. For an initial, confidential and no obligation conversation with one of our team of skilled mediators, please get in touch
Or call the Manchester office on:
0800 999 5544 or 07534 958777 (out of hours)